Monday, August 16, 2010

August Update

Hi everyone,
we have finally settled into home in Te Aroha. Its been awesome traveling around staying with different people, but also nice not to have to live out of suitcases anymore!

We love the new house we're renting and we're looking forward to summer to make use of the deck with our BBQ!

As most of you would have already heard the 2010 Inflame school went really well. 2011 plans are already well underway with a number of students already signed up! Although we're not looking forward to yet another move, we are excited about the school, its coming round real fast!

What most of you may not already know is that we now have a baby Girl well on the way! She is expected to 'join us' on the 31st of december! New Years is gonna be a late one... haha!

Elijah recently had some more surgery. This time on his nose. He has got a stent stitched into his right nostril for the next month. Its pretty uncomfortable for him and has made it annoying for him to eat. The reason for the stent is because when he was born he had bone blocking the nasal passages so they created the holes that needed to be there but skin grew over so they need to put a stent up there so the skin forms into a hole rather than closing over.

After this surgery which was last week on the 10th of August, we were told that it wasn't likely that his trachy would be out anytime soon... if ever. This was not the news we were hoping to hear, so now more than ever we are praying for the miracle that we so need.

This last couple of weeks has been a real testing time. We just got notice from WINZ that they are stopping our support which takes effect immediately, so we are now in a place where we are seeking support from friends and church family. We have a letter that we have sent out, if you would like us to send you one feel free to email us at and we'll send one to you.

Josh is also working hard at getting the webdesign business up and running as we plan for this to be our main source of income as we keep the ministry going. So if you or anyone you know needs a website built we would really love to hear from you.

We have a number of churches we are speaking at or taking a worship night at throughout september. We really feel that even though its getting tough, to push through as we know that what we are doing is really on Gods heart for New Zealand.

Thats about it from us, we love hearing from you all so please flick us an email and make plans with us to come for dinner!

Love you all,
Josh, Ambz, Elijah & the Baby Girl on the way!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A long overdue update

Hi Everyone.
Life over on the island is going really good. Ambz and I are loving it and Elijah is too.
Elijah is doing really well. His eating has improved big time! He is eating all three meals most days and he is more or less finishing each one. This is a BIG improvement from what he was eating before we came over to Orama.

His ears have cleared up which is great. We are not giving him any liquids orally though just to make sure his ears stay clear. When we give him milk orally it gets his ears all wet and then they get infected and full of gunk so we are staying as far away from that at the moment as we can cause ear aches suck!

So the milk we are giving him at the mo goes straight in through his mikey button which for those of you who dont know is a little plug that goes straight into his stomach, we just hook up a special line and basically funnel milk down.

he is crawling all over the show now too. Its a lot of fun to watch cause he is learning to explore and check stuff out. We can tell that he loves it cause he is quite independent and likes to do stuff on his own so now with his new found mode of transport he is definitely making the most of it! Tonight we had another awesome worship night over here and we have a hand drum called a Djembe which was lying on the ground. Elijah made his way over to it and started banging it with his head! Quite a sight! haha.

It shouldnt be long and he'll be walking. Hopefully sooner rather than later cause he is getting heavy!
We would love to upload some more recent photos but unfortunately the internet over here on the island is really expensive, so we will have to wait until we are back on the mainland which will be mid June.
We are back during June for a number of hospital appointments that Elijah has and then after that we are looking forward to making our way around New Zealands first Levitical Ministry Hubs! These are things that the students of our school will be starting.

Anyways, if you have any questions or wanna hear something more specific feel free to email us at

Look forward to hearing from you!

God Bless,
Josh, Ambz and Elijah

Friday, March 12, 2010

InFlame Easter Invite

Hey Guys,
we are holding an open weekend over easter. Come hang out, catch some fish, do some snorkeling, hear about Inflame, meet the students and staff, have an awesome time!

Hopefully see you then!

Inflame Worship School 
Open Weekend This Easter
      2 - 5  April 2010

Inflame prophetic worship school is having an open weekend over easter 2010. We are inviting friends and family of students and also anyone else who is interested in what the Inflame worship school is all about to come and spend Easter at Orama.

God is raising up worshippers in this time of history, He is beginning to release the Levites again that His house may once again be glorious.  These young minstrals are discovering the joy of encountering the beautiful God who loves them unconditionally. Come and celebrate, remember and give thanks this easter in the uniquness of Great Barrier Island.

We are planning a low key weekend with time to relax and also worship together.

Programme. Easter service on sunday.
        Student led worship service and staff sharing about the vision of the school. 
 Time to  enjoy the grandeour and beauty of Great Barrier Island .

For further details e mail:  or phone 09 429 0063 and ask for Lynne. Cost is $40 per day for food and accom if you bring your own linen



Bob and Lynne Mitchener
Living for one thing. . . 

Josh Klinkenberg
mb: 021445883

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Off to Orama 1/3/10

We have just loaded the car and are planning to head up to Auckland within a couple of hours!
For those of you who dont know, we are running a worship school over at Great Barrier island for 3 month. We'll be back around in June...
p.s. We dont get good cell phone coverage over there so its best to contact us via email during the school.

Elijah has been really well. He has had some gunk coming out of his ears still but apart from this he has been all good. He is crawling a lot not and walking confidently when holding onto our hands.

We had our last hospital trip until we're back in june last week! YEEEHAAAA! We love what they do there but man you can get sick of that place quick.

We are looking forward to hanging out with Elijah on the island. We have been so busy lately that getting to hang out as a family has been a real mission so we are really keen on getting out there to spend some good time together as a family.

When we are back we will be heading in to Waikato hospital for a check up on his throat. We are praying that the cyst which was blocking his throat will be gone and that his larynx and vocal chords will be all normal and operating properly.

We had Weston Carryer here in Te Aroha last sunday and he prayed for Elijah. It was awesome. We saw some AMAZING miracles on Sunday while he prayed for people. So we're expecting good results in the next docs report!

Anyways, thats about us for now. Feel free to email us if you wanna get in touch. We'll be checking emails regularly so thats the best form of contact.

Blessings to all,
look forward to hearing from ya.

Josh, Ambz and Elijah

Friday, January 29, 2010

30 Jan 2010

Hi All,
just a quick update, there's not a whole heap to report on this post but I wanted to just post an update so you know we're still alive...
Elijah is doing really well, we seem to be heading to the hospital less and less. Although, we are over there twice next week... This is to have his ears cleaned out.
Ever since having the grommets put in he has had loads of gunk coming out his ears. So he went in for a check up 2 weeks ago and had them cleaned out real good and he was put on some ear drops to keep them clean but even so we've still had to have him back to the hospital a bit just to keep them nice and clean or else they get infected. With all that said his ears seem to be clearing up and he is getting used to wearing his hearing aids again...
At the moment we are getting all our stuff packed up and ready to put into storage for our time over at Great Barrier. We are going to be heading off towards the end of Feb.
We are having to take over boxes and boxes of medical gear so thats gonna be interesting...haha
We usually order his medical stuff once a month and even then there's heaps of crap to store in our house but now we have to order about 4 moths worth for our time over at the Barrier cause we cant order it over there...
At this stage it looks like just Elijahs stuff is gonna take up a full van!
Other than that we have been keeping really busy playing around the place with a number of different people.
2 weekends ago Josh was playing with Jeremy and Conney Sinnot from Toronto Airport Church in Hamilton, from there we headed straight over to Tauranga where he was playing with Cindy Ruakere at the YWAM jubilee celebration. This was an awesome weekend, we got to meet Loren Cuningham (founder of YWAM) John Dawson (Current President of YWAM) and a whole heap of other 'greats' in the kingdom... We also got to catch up with David and Dale Garratt and we got to know some really cool people who we know we are going to have a heap more to do with in the future!
After the weekend jubilee was over it flowed into the Call2All conference. Josh was playing every morning and at the opening for Cindy. We had a stall set up for InFlame Worship School. So we had a lot to do and we were absolutely stuffed afterwards...
We got home late Friday night from this conference and saturday arvo Josh had to head up to Auckland where he was playing for a guy named Sean Feucht. He is a worship leader from the states and has a ministry called burn 24/7 ( Josh was up in Auckland Saturday night and Sunday morning then they were playing at a church in Hamilton on Sunday night... After all this he was finally able to come home.
But not for long as this last week he has been teaching in Hamilton at the In-Tune workshop at Vision College. Now that this is finished we feel like we are starting to recover from an intense few weeks!
Elijah is a little legend with all of this. He is so amazingly patient with us and will just go along with all the long car ride and meetings quite happily... He lets us know when hes had enough but thats usually well after we are over it ourselves! hahaha.
We love hearing from you all so if you have any questions please just flick us an email or even call!
God Bless,
Josh, Ambz and Elijah!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hey guys, I have managed to upload some pics... you'll see a few of them on the left of your screen there. below them is a link to our 'flickr' account with photos of Elijahs first 18 months with us.
You can see the groups;
in the beginning
1-2 months
3-4 months
the first year home

And we'll post all recent photos to there as well in the future... We'll let you know when we do.

God Bless,
J, A & E

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13th Jan 2010

Hi everyone,
sorry it has been so loooong since we have sent out an update re Elijah. Thanks so much for all the prayer that has been offered on his behalf and on ours... It has done more than you know!
We have no excuse for our huge gap in post's, I have been asked by a number of people to blog or update on the old website that we used while Elijah was in hospital and finally tonight I have got around to sorting out this blog which we are going to regularly update with new of Elijah and what we're doing... As you'll see I have included all the original updates from 2008 below f or those of you who would like to read them.

I thought I would just bring you up to speed with what's happened over the last wee while with Elijah...
We just got back from hospital today from whats become a routine theatre trip, where he (Elijah) goes to theatre, they knock him out and check how his airway/throat is looking etc.
He has these check up about every 3 months... At the last check up (on the 2nd of Dec 09) he had grommits put in, they were changed again today cause they were full of gunk and were pretty much totally blocked up... So he had his ears cleaned out and now he looks a lot more comfortable.
They also found a cyst in the back of his throat mid way through last year and he has been on a medication to shrink that for about a month now. They checked it in December last year to make sure it wasnt cancerous at all... And its not.
They had another look at it today to see if the medication is working and the surgeon said that she thought it was slightly smaller - this is a good thing cause the more you deal with surgeons the more you realize they are not wishful thinkers, nor are they very optimistic... And from looking at the photos that they took in theater, we reckon it looks smaller too... Either way, his eating has definitely improved, which is a huge thing!

He still has the trachy in to help him breathe so if your wanting something to address in prayer this would have to be priority number 1! We want this flippen thing out! haha... Its a real hassle at the best of times and its the thing that takes the most energy/effort/patience to deal with... So in order for that to come out, his throat needs to open up so he can breathe clearly with out the trachy tube.

All in all he is doing awesome. He is walking around when we hold his hands and balance him (he looks slightly drunk but so do most of us at the best of times...) And he is getting more and more active every day.

He had heart surgery up at Starship midway through last year. This went extremely well. We've noticed some great improvements since - like the fact that he now sleeps more than 4 hours at night! I will try make some picture available on here of our time at starship.

I think that'll do it for now and I'll add more of the last years history over the next few post's. If you want to get in touch feel free to flick us an email anytime. Below I have written a list of the current issues that Elijah needs healed, so take your pick and go for gold!
Sorry again for the slack contact with all of you who have been so loyal in prayer for us... We'll be keeping you well informed from here on out...

Healing needs:
-facial paralysis on the right side of his face
-deafness in both ears
-throat needs to open out;specifically, the cyst needs to disappear, larynx needs to be strong and of normal size, vocal chords need full movement.
-nostrils need to be opened up; skin currently blocks 95% of his nostrils(he needs these patent for his trachy to come out)
-for there to be no ongoing heart problems whatsoever
-that he would walk and crawl soon