Monday, August 16, 2010

August Update

Hi everyone,
we have finally settled into home in Te Aroha. Its been awesome traveling around staying with different people, but also nice not to have to live out of suitcases anymore!

We love the new house we're renting and we're looking forward to summer to make use of the deck with our BBQ!

As most of you would have already heard the 2010 Inflame school went really well. 2011 plans are already well underway with a number of students already signed up! Although we're not looking forward to yet another move, we are excited about the school, its coming round real fast!

What most of you may not already know is that we now have a baby Girl well on the way! She is expected to 'join us' on the 31st of december! New Years is gonna be a late one... haha!

Elijah recently had some more surgery. This time on his nose. He has got a stent stitched into his right nostril for the next month. Its pretty uncomfortable for him and has made it annoying for him to eat. The reason for the stent is because when he was born he had bone blocking the nasal passages so they created the holes that needed to be there but skin grew over so they need to put a stent up there so the skin forms into a hole rather than closing over.

After this surgery which was last week on the 10th of August, we were told that it wasn't likely that his trachy would be out anytime soon... if ever. This was not the news we were hoping to hear, so now more than ever we are praying for the miracle that we so need.

This last couple of weeks has been a real testing time. We just got notice from WINZ that they are stopping our support which takes effect immediately, so we are now in a place where we are seeking support from friends and church family. We have a letter that we have sent out, if you would like us to send you one feel free to email us at and we'll send one to you.

Josh is also working hard at getting the webdesign business up and running as we plan for this to be our main source of income as we keep the ministry going. So if you or anyone you know needs a website built we would really love to hear from you.

We have a number of churches we are speaking at or taking a worship night at throughout september. We really feel that even though its getting tough, to push through as we know that what we are doing is really on Gods heart for New Zealand.

Thats about it from us, we love hearing from you all so please flick us an email and make plans with us to come for dinner!

Love you all,
Josh, Ambz, Elijah & the Baby Girl on the way!