Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13th Jan 2010

Hi everyone,
sorry it has been so loooong since we have sent out an update re Elijah. Thanks so much for all the prayer that has been offered on his behalf and on ours... It has done more than you know!
We have no excuse for our huge gap in post's, I have been asked by a number of people to blog or update on the old website that we used while Elijah was in hospital and finally tonight I have got around to sorting out this blog which we are going to regularly update with new of Elijah and what we're doing... As you'll see I have included all the original updates from 2008 below f or those of you who would like to read them.

I thought I would just bring you up to speed with what's happened over the last wee while with Elijah...
We just got back from hospital today from whats become a routine theatre trip, where he (Elijah) goes to theatre, they knock him out and check how his airway/throat is looking etc.
He has these check up about every 3 months... At the last check up (on the 2nd of Dec 09) he had grommits put in, they were changed again today cause they were full of gunk and were pretty much totally blocked up... So he had his ears cleaned out and now he looks a lot more comfortable.
They also found a cyst in the back of his throat mid way through last year and he has been on a medication to shrink that for about a month now. They checked it in December last year to make sure it wasnt cancerous at all... And its not.
They had another look at it today to see if the medication is working and the surgeon said that she thought it was slightly smaller - this is a good thing cause the more you deal with surgeons the more you realize they are not wishful thinkers, nor are they very optimistic... And from looking at the photos that they took in theater, we reckon it looks smaller too... Either way, his eating has definitely improved, which is a huge thing!

He still has the trachy in to help him breathe so if your wanting something to address in prayer this would have to be priority number 1! We want this flippen thing out! haha... Its a real hassle at the best of times and its the thing that takes the most energy/effort/patience to deal with... So in order for that to come out, his throat needs to open up so he can breathe clearly with out the trachy tube.

All in all he is doing awesome. He is walking around when we hold his hands and balance him (he looks slightly drunk but so do most of us at the best of times...) And he is getting more and more active every day.

He had heart surgery up at Starship midway through last year. This went extremely well. We've noticed some great improvements since - like the fact that he now sleeps more than 4 hours at night! I will try make some picture available on here of our time at starship.

I think that'll do it for now and I'll add more of the last years history over the next few post's. If you want to get in touch feel free to flick us an email anytime. Below I have written a list of the current issues that Elijah needs healed, so take your pick and go for gold!
Sorry again for the slack contact with all of you who have been so loyal in prayer for us... We'll be keeping you well informed from here on out...

Healing needs:
-facial paralysis on the right side of his face
-deafness in both ears
-throat needs to open out;specifically, the cyst needs to disappear, larynx needs to be strong and of normal size, vocal chords need full movement.
-nostrils need to be opened up; skin currently blocks 95% of his nostrils(he needs these patent for his trachy to come out)
-for there to be no ongoing heart problems whatsoever
-that he would walk and crawl soon

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